Jayanta Roy is an internationally acclaimed Photo Artist from Kolkata, India. Photography was his hobby that evolved into a true passion. His Photographic journey started in 1989 to the photography life with artistic photography ideas in art photography, candid photography, everyday life photography, fine art digital photography, street photography, and travel photography. He visits many places to cover many events and festivals.


“EFIAP” from the Federation International De L’Art Photographique || “EFIP” from the Federation Of Indian Photography || “ARTIST” from the Lalit Kala Akademi (National Academy of Art) Ministry of Culture, Government of India.

International Awards:

2000: Honourable Mention, Popular Photography, USA || 2004: Merit Award, National Geographic Traveler, USA || 2005: 2nd Award, Popular Photography, USA || 2005: Award International Exhibition Asahi Shimbun, Japan || 2006: Documentary Award, in HPA The Humanity Photo Awards by UNESCO & Photographic Association of China || 2007: Award, Photo Artists Society of Korea || 2009: Award, Photo Artists Society of Korea || 2010: FIAP Gold Medal, IODPC, Cyprus Photographic Society || 2012: 2nd Award My Life’s a Trip Vacation Photo Contest || 2015: Bronze Medal, 3rd ECPA International Salon, India || 2015: Silver Medal, Cattaro GP International Circuit, Novi Sad, Serbia || 2015: Honourable Mention, IPA, The International Photography Awards, New York, USA || 2015: Gold Medal, Tuzla Circuit 2015. Kula, Serbia || 2015: Certificate of Merit, Tuzla Circuit 2015. Tuzla, Bosnia & Herzegovina || 2015: FIAP Honourable Mention, 3rd Olympic Photo Circuit 2015 Greece || 2015: FIAP Silver Medal, 1st Wojnicz International Salon 2015 Poland || 2016: Bronze Medal, Contrast 2016 Photo Club Infinity Doboj, Bosnia & Herzegovina || 2016: PSA Honourable Mention, 10th International Photography Exhibition Religions In The World Torque || 2016: GPU Honourable Mention, 10th International Photography Exhibition Religions In The World Torque || 2016: FIAP Honourable Mention, 6th International Life in the regional bazaar and Water and Life Photo Contest, Turkey || 2017: Salon Honourable Mention, Kohinoor Digital Circuit 2017, Mirzapur Photographic Association, India || 2017: Chairman Choice, Prism International Digital Circuit 2017, HPA, India || 2018: IAAP Ribbon, The Photo Journey, Czech Republic || 2018: CFFU Silver Medal, The Photo Journey, Czech Republic || 2018: Special Ribbon, Azerbaijan Photo Salon, Azerbaijan || 2018: FIAP Ribbon, Azerbaijan Photo Salon, Azerbaijan || 2018: Salon Honourable Mention, Aqua 2018 International Salon of Photography, Tajikistan. || 2021: Silver Award, PX3 2021, Prix de la Photographie, Paris.

National Awards:

1992: Award, Special Photography Contest Godfrey Phillips India || 1994: Award, National Photo Contest, Photo Division, Ministry of I & B Government of India || 1994: 1st Award, Painting & Photography Contest, Kolkata, India || 1995: Grand Prize, Polo Passion Photo Contest, Kolkata, India || 1995: Certificate of Merit, Lens-n-eye, Dhanbad, India || 1995: Certificate of Merit, East Calcutta Photographic Association, India || 1996: PSA Medal, Photographic Society of Asansol, India || 1997: Award, National Photo Contest, Photo Division, Ministry of I & B Government of India || 1997: Merit Certificate, Youth Services & Cultural Activities, Government of Gujarat, India || 1997: 2nd Award, Jubilee Hobby Center, Jamshedpur, India || 1997: Certificate of Merit, Kala Gurjari, Gujarat, India || 1998: Certificate of Merit, Mountain Vision, Kolkata, India || 1998: Certificate of Merit, Salon of Mountain Photography, Kolkata, India || 1999: Award, National Photo Contest, Photo Division, Ministry of I & B Government of India || 2000: Award, National Photo Contest, Photo Division, Ministry of I & B Government of India || 2000: Silver Plaque, East Calcutta Photographic Association, Kolkata, India || 2001: 3rd Award, Literacy & Adult Education, Government of West Bengal, India || 2001: Certificate of Merit, East Calcutta Photographic Association, Kolkata, India || 2002: Award, National Photo Contest, Photo Division, Ministry of I & B Government of India || 2003: Award, National Photo Contest, Photo Division, Ministry of I & B Government of India || 2003: 3rd Award, Raiganj Photographic Society, India || 2004: Grand Prize, Tara Bangla Television Kolkata, India || 2004: Award, State Lalit Kala Akademi, Gujarat, India || 2005: Award, National Photo Contest, Photo Division, Ministry of I & B Government of India || 2005: 1st Award, Better Photography, Tata Info media Ltd., Mumbai, India || 2005: 3rd Award, Directorate of Tourism, Government of West Bengal, India || 2007: Commendation Award, Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India || 2008: Commendation Award, Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India || 2009: Award, National Photo Contest, Photo Division, Ministry of I & B Government of India || 2009: Special Award, Ministry of Information & Culture, Government of West Bengal, India || 2011: Grand Prize, Frames of My City, Red Frames, Bangalore, India || 2014: 3rd Award, Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India || 2015: Special Award, Ministry of Information & Culture, Government of West Bengal, India.

Works Published & Used by:

Mother of My Heart, Daughter of My Dream, Oxford University Press || Encountering Kali, University of California Press, Barnard College, Columbia University || Revelry, Rivalry and Longing of the Goddesses of Bengal, Columbia University Press || Breaking Boundaries with the Goddess, Manohar Publishers & Distributors || University of Wale College, New Port || Hampden Sydney College, Virginia || Ohio State University, Columbus || State University of New York.